Tuesday, February 24, 2009

5 months old!

5 months old as of Sunday, 2/22
Playing in the floor with Daddy
Look to the left...

Look to the right...

...and over I go!!!

She might have needed just a teeny tiny push to get all the way over, but she's about 90% there all on her own! Pretty scary, means I need to start cleaning up the house soon. Meh!!
Check out the proud tummy in this one -

Friday, February 20, 2009

Meghan's bridal shower

Just a couple random shots of the gal at her Auntie Meghan's bridal shower a couple weekends ago.

Video Updates

There have been lots of germs going around our house lately, so I've been slacking in the picture department. I will catch up soon hopefully. Here's some videos instead. Tilt your head to the left for the first one!!

OK, so clearly I need to remember that I can't take video with the camera turned sideways!! But it's still too funny. Here's another random cute moment (caught by Tony while I babbled on the phone - not realizing he was recording!):