Tuesday, May 6, 2008

More fun stuff @ 19 weeks

We have the coolest friends. Thank you Deana for the uber-fun tee shirt, my baby bump totally rocks (even if the setting on my camera sucks!)!!

And thank you Mandy & James for outfitting our baby in completely inappropriate slogan-wear. And I was worried Brony wouldn't have clothes that were smart alec-y enough for us!! Silly, silly me.

And because I need to post something nice after those crazy onesies, here's me at 19 weeks in another fun maternity clothing buy. I am actually finding some good clothes, although I'm sure in about 4 months I will be sick to freaking death of them.


T'aiya Shiner said...

I particularly like the "backrub" and "trooper/pooper" onesies. Thanks for sharing. Ohhh. seeing your belly makes the whole thing feel more real.

Allison said...

I agree, it does make it more real. You're getting quite the bump finally! Takes a while first baby. You look great. I can't wait till you can name this booger. The onesies are awesome. No matter what it turns out to be it's gonna be all kinds of hip and cool in it's clothes from us! We'll hook you up mamma!